irst Reading: Isaiah 66:10-14
Psalm #66 Make a joyful noise to God, all the earth
Second Reading: Galatians 6:14-18
Gospel Acclamation Verse: Let the peace of Christ rule in your heart, let the Word of christ dwell in you richly. (Col 3:15-16)
Gospel: Luke: 10:1-12, 17-20
Theme: Jesus sends our missionaries to spread His Good News of forgiveness, healing and peace.
Commentary by Jane Prini
Jesus sends 70 disciples two by two to neighbouring villages to offer peace and to proclaim the nearness of the kingdom of God. This shows us that everyone has the responsibility to ‘tell others what God has done for me’ as in today’s Psalm. Jesus speaks of them being labourers in the harvest. There is an urgency, to tell others. The farmer works all year to prepare for the harvest, which must be accomplished when the crop is ready. It cannot be harvested too early nor too late or it will be ruined. Jesus instructs the disciples to pray first. With God all things are possible. Before we share our stories with others we too, are to pray asking the Holy Spirit for peace of mind and the correct words for that the person listening to hear it best.
But what if the person listening does not accept what we are telling them? What if they don’t want to hear? Why would Jesus instruct them to shake the dust off their sandals and move to the next place? Shaking the dust off was a peaceful, respectful but powerful way to show the people they had refused to accept God’s Word and healing.
We see in this gospel reading that Jesus does not want the disciples (or us) to convince anyone. He sent them to speak peace, to seek out and be with those who suffer. We are told they were successful. So much so that Jesus tells them he saw “Satan fall from heaven like a flash of lightening.” They had defeated the evil one when they healed others.
It’s not up to us to convince our family, friends and neighbours. We are called to invite….and continue inviting them to get to know Jesus. He wants us to lead people to him so he can show them how much he loves them and how lovable they are.
All we need is a willingness to be like the psalmist and say, “I will tell what he has done for me.” The Holy Spirit will do the rest.
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