First Reading: Ecclesiastes 1:2, 2:21-23
Psalm #90: R. Lord you have been our swelling place in all generations
Second Reading: Colossians 3:1-5, 9-11
Gospel Acclamation Verse: Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven!
Gospel: Luke 12:13-21
Theme: Love of money leaves no room for loving God. Jesus warns against selfishness and greed.
It is hard for many of us to know when we have enough of something. Maybe it’s that new video game, or the newest clothing, or even more candy. We often believe that having more of something is better than having less. For example, one more video game, right?
But some people get this very wrong. They go through life trying to collect more money, more possessions, and more of the things they believe will make them happy. But having more of something isn’t what brings us true happiness. True happiness can only be found in Jesus.
Jesus warns against this. He said, “Watch out! Be on guard against all kinds of greed; a mans’ life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” He then told a story about a man whose land had produced so much grain that he had no place to store it. Even though he had plenty, he wanted more, so he decided to tear down his barns and build even bigger ones. Jesus said the was was a fool, for when his life was over, he would leave everything behind. He would leave this world with nothing.
Notice in this story that the rich man does not consider giving a bonus to his workers, sharing with his community, or even thanking God for his successful harvest. He is very much centred on only himself, and we see later in the story that it will not end well for him.
God has promised to supply all of our needs, but he has not promised to fulfill every selfish wish. “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed.” God wants us to be rich towards himself.
In today’s second reading St. Paul teaches us that greed is idolatry. Greed replaces God with money or other earthly possessions. It leads to terrible loneliness, emptiness and misery. Those who place their hope in the false god of ‘things’ are never satisfied, because there is always one more ‘thing’ to get.
We know that we are made for so much more. We are God the Father’s children. When we put God first in our lives, we are content even when times are tough, because we know God loves us more than we can imagine. Of course God knows we need certain possessions for our lives on earth, yet He does not want us to love those possessions so much that we forget that he made it possible for us to use them.
Put God first and we will see how awesome God is to take care of the little things. Ask him for a grateful and generous heart and he will not disappoint.
Discussion starters: (Choose one or more of these after reading today’s scripture readings)
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