First Reading: Exodus 17:8-13
Psalm # 121 R Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth
Second Reading: 2 Timothy 3:14 - 4:2
Gospel Acclamation Verse: the word of God os living and active; it judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)
Gospel: Luke 18:1-8
Theme: Never give up in our prayers
Have you ever found yourself in a situation that was so hard that you just wanted to give up? Maybe it was a tough homework assignment. Maybe you and a friend could not agree on something, and were always arguing. Or maybe someone has been unkind to you.
Do you know what a judge does? A judge helps people know what is fair.
In today’s gospel, Jesus tells a story about a widow who would not give up. She knew she was being treated badly and wanted the judge to help her. The judge refused to do anything. She kept bothering him over and over, until he finally decided to help her just to get her to stop bothering him. He did not love God and did not respect people. He was unjust.
Jesus tells us at the end of his story, that God is a good judge. God hears all of our prayers, and knows just what each of us needs. He will not be slow in answering our prayers. Jesus wants us to remember that God our Father, loves us, and wants to do nice things for us. He wants and knows what is best for us. He wants to hear us ask, not just once, but again and again. He doesn’t want us to give up!
Do you know what prayer is? It is not talking to a stranger or a ghost. It is talking to a good friend, a real person, Jesus, even though we do not see him. Prayer is not always quiet. It can be loud or sung, or even be in the form of a dance. Prayer is not like giving Santa Clause our wish list, or demanding that God do what we want NOW! Prayer is telling God what you need and trusting him to give you want is best for you. It is asking for help not just for ourselves but also for others. Prayer is not just for when you are in church. It is something you can do wherever you are. You can pray standing, sitting, kneeling, while you go for a walk, out for a run, or on your bike. Prayer isn’t something you do just once, but again, again and again.
Jesus teaches us in today’s gospel, to pray and don’t give up!
Discussion starters: (Choose one or more of these after reading today’s scripture readings)
Prayer for Families:
Heavenly Father, thank you for listening to us when we talk to you. Thank you for our gift of faith that you know just what is best for each one of us. Help us to remember that we can pray to you any time, any where because you promised to always be with us. We praise and thank you through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. AMEN.
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