First Reading: Exodus 17:3-7
Psalm #95 R: O that today you would listen to the choice of the Lord. Do not harden your hearts!
Second Reading: Romans5:1-2, 5-8
Gospel Acclamation Verse: Lord, you are truly the Saviour of the world;
give me living water, that I may never be thirsty.
Gospel: John 4:5-42 - The samaritan woman at the well
Theme: When we encounter Jesus it changes everything and we want to share this with others
Commentary by Jane Prini
How many times today have you used water? We tend to take the gift of water and the life it gives very much for granted. In many poorer parts of our world water is a very precious resource. People must sometimes travel long distances to collect water and then carry it carefully home. It is needed for drinking, cooking, and washing. Every effort is made to avoid wasting a single drop. In today’s Gospel story Jesus offers a Samaritan woman the living water that will not leave her thirsty. Jesus offers her eternal life and tells her very plainly that he is the Messiah.
The Samaritan woman did not know this strange Jew at the well, who asked her for a drink. In Jesus’ time, Jews and Samaritans avoided contact with each other at every opportunity. The Jews looked down on the Samaritans because they had intermarried with other nations and peoples. So the Samaritans chose to live apart from their Jewish neighbours. Men did not speak to woman, especially one who was alone. Once again, Jesus shows us that God offers the gift of his love to everyone.
The Samaritan woman has many questions which Jesus answers in a way that she understands. He offers her ‘living water’ so that she will never be thirty again. He then tells her about her own life; about the poor choices she has made and how she is drawing water at the hottest time of the day, alone, because the villagers do not want to be around her. He tells her that he is the Messiah! She believes him, for he knew her past, but still cared enough to offered her this living water. She becomes so excited that, leaving her jugs behind, she runs to the village to tell everyone who will listen to come and see the Messiah. The villagers beg Jesus and his disciples to stay with them and many others come to believe in Jesus. Everyone, after meeting Jesus, has a changed attitude toward others.
This ‘living water’ is the Word of God. The thirst that Jesus speaks of is our thirst for God and his goodness, which can only be satisfied by the grace given by his life-giving Spirit. Just like a plant that is not watered, if we forget to let God’s grace and love into our lives to help us grow and become more like him, then his life inside us will slowly shrivel and die. Whoever listens to Jesus and believes the Good News he proclaims will receive and be filled with God’s life-giving Spirit and grace. It does not matter one’s religion, race or skin colour. Jesus came to share his love and salvation with everyone.
Like the Samaritan woman, Jesus wants us to tell others this good news and how they too are invited to accept his living water as they let God’s grace and love into our lives.
May you know and drink of this truth and share it with others.
Prayer for Families:
Loving Father, filled with your living Spirit, may we share your love and joy with the whole world. We ask this through our Lord, Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. AMEN
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