First Reading: Acts 2:14a, 36b-41
Psalm #23 R: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want
Second Reading: 1 Peter 2:20b-25
Gospel Acclamation Verse: I am the good shepherd, says the Lord;
I know my sheep, and my own know me. (John 1-:14) ALLELUIA
Gospel: John 10:1-10
Theme: Jesus is our Good Shepherd
Commentary by Jane Prini
Have you ever watched sheep and their shepherd? Did you know that sheep will only listen to their shepherd? The same things often happen between pets and their masters. They will follow a command only by their master. They know, listen and respond to the voice of those they trust.
At the time of Jesus, many people were farmers and the sight of a shepherd and his sheep would have been a familiar one. Shepherds walked at the front of the flock to guide the sheep rather than driving them from behind. The sheep would recognize and know the shepherd’s voice, following him or her with complete trust and confidence. At night shepherds would gather their flocks into a small sheepfold, or enclosure. In some areas, several shepherds would use the same sheepfold. They had to recognize their own sheep when it came time to move out in the morning. These sheepfolds were and still are, commonly made of stone walls about a meter high with one gate or opening into it. If there is a gate, or an entrance way, there is usually a gatekeeper. If there is no gate the shepherd sleeps at the opening to keep the sheep from wandering off, keeping them safe from wild animals who might try to get in.
Sheep simply follow their master, without a care as to where they are going or how long it will take. If a sheep wanders off, the shepherd calls to it and it will come back to follow his voice once more.
In our gospel today Jesus calls himself a shepherd who leads his sheep (those who follow him) to rich pastures and the safety of his sheepfold. The sheepfold in this case is the family of God. He calls himself the ‘gate’,for Jesus is ‘the way in’ through whom we can find the entrance to God’s kingdom if we choose to follow him when he calls our names. He is the ‘guardian of our souls’ as St. Peter reminds us in today’s 2nd reading. Today’s Psalm #23, is a well know Psalm. It speaks also of our trust in God’s protectiveness and mercy and the abundant life he offers.
Jesus calls us by our name and desires to draw each of us to himself. He desires us to trust him. He has a plan for each of us and will help us make that plan happen. He promises us abundant life as we put our trust in him and follow his lead to our Heavenly Father.
Do you know any nursery rhymes/songs about sheep? See the first family activity below for words to a common nursery rhyme song.
Prayer for Families: Loving Father, watch over your flock as you guide and protect us, and help us to follow your path, wherever it might lead. This we ask through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. AMEN
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