Fr. Tavis Goski, who grew up as a member of our parish, recently shared his vocation story in an interview on DnA Live. In the interview, Fr. Tavis recounts his early involvement in the parish, starting with taking collections at Sunday Masses, joining the choir and youth group, and becoming a member of the Knights of Columbus.
The parish's 2019 Annual General Meeting was held on Sunday, June 9, 2019 after the 11:15 Mass. Fran Hadley, chair of the Parish Pastoral Council, led the meeting.
You are invited to participate in the International 40 Days for Life Campaign of prayer, fasting and peaceful presence at the NEW Ottawa vigil site, located outside the restricted 50 metres Bubble Zone area on the Queen St. side of the southwest corner of Queen & Bank. The campaign runs from Wednesday September 26 until Sunday November 4, 2018.
‘PILGRIMS ON A JOURNEY’ is a song composed by Maureen Monaghan, Alice Templin and Anne Hurley for the Golden Jubilee. The chorus is centered around Micah 6:8 – “This is what God asks of you; to act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with your God.”
In early 2016 Parish Council approved the sponsorship of “a Syrian refugee family”. The Refugee Resettlement Committee was formed and parishioners quickly responded to the news of a sponsorship with financial contributions (almost $33000). The committee's report is published below.