First Reading: Acts 5.12-16 The apostles convert many to believe in Jesus and cure many ills.
Psalm #118: Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His steadfast love endures forever.
Second Reading: Revelation 1.9-11a,12-13,17-19. Do not be afraid to believe in Jesus who is risen.
Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia. you believed Thomas, because you have seen; blessed are those who
have not seen, and yet believe.. (John 20.29)
Gospel: John 20.19-31 Jesus gives Thomas proof that he has indeed risen from the dead.
Click HERE for today’s readings from Catholic Online.
Theme: Divine Mercy Sunday
Commentary: by Jane Prini
Today we begin the second week of Eastertide…or the Easter season. This past week we celebrated the Easter Octave. Each and every Mass from Easter Sunday to Saturday morning celebrated and detailed Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. He is Risen. Indeed He is! Eastertide is 50 days long. That is 10 days longer than Lent was. So lets celebrate with learning even more about Jesus and how we can cooperate with God to introduce him to many others