First Reading: 2 Samuel 5:1-3
Psalm #122 R Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord.
Second Reading: Colossians 1:12-20
Gospel Accl. Verse: Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord; blessed is the coming
kingdom of our Father David. Alleluia
Gospel: Luke 23:35-43
Theme: Jesus, the backward King!
Today is the last Sunday of Ordinary Time. A new liturgical year begins next Sunday, with the season of Advent which prepares us for Christmas. The daily readings this past week focused on the end of time and ways to prepare ourselves for life after our death here.
Today we remember that Jesus went through a terrible death for our sake, so that we may be re-united in right relationship with God. Jesus was a “King”. Lets look at what kind of king he was. We know Jesus was no ordinary king. Some would even say he was a backward king because from the day he was born, he did everything backwards to other kings. Unlike most kings, he was not born in a castle, he was born in a stable surrounded by donkeys, sheep and cows. His birth was a simple beginning for a king. Very few people even knew he had been born. Only the shepherds and three wise men got the word that he was born. Isn’t that backwards?
Growing up he continued to be unlike other kings. Most kings collect riches and buildings and have many servants. This king owned nothing at all. He lived a simple poor man’s life. He chose to be a servant to others. He could often be found helping others. Isn’t that backwards? As time went on his people became unhappy with their king. He wasn’t what they expected. Instead of riding into town on a big white horse as other kings were known to do, he chose to ride into town on the back of a donkey. Now isn’t that backwards? It gets even more strange. The friends he chose were a bunch of smelly fishermen and he could often be seen visiting with the poor and eating with sinners. This was too much for the people. They did not want him as king any longer, so they made a plan to arrest him and throw him in prison. This is backwards, right?
Sad but true, their planned worked. When his trial came, and he stood before the people, instead of shouting “Hail to the King! Long live the King!” they shouted “Crucify Him!”. So the soldiers did. They nailed him to a cross; they put a crown made of thorns on his head, they poked him with sharp sticks and made fun of him. It was a terrible way for a King to die. This backwards king, even in all his agony, asked God to forgive everyone who did this to him and he made sure that his dear mother, Mary, was taken care of. To his last breath, he served others. Now isn’t that a backwards King?
Thankfully this is not the end of the story! Remember this backward king was different! This King rose from the grace to live forever and to be our way to a special friendship wth God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. He is now the Forever King! He is the King to anyone who chooses him to be their King. Jesus wants to be your King, too. If you choose him to be your King, you will live with him in heaven! Today we celebrate Jesus as the King of Kings.
Prayer for Families: Heavenly Father, today we crown Jesus as our King and Lord of our life. Help us to always choose to put you first by serving others as you did, through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.
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