32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday, November 7, 2021
First Reading: 1Kings 17.10-16
Psalm: #146
Second Reading: Hebrews 9.24-28
Gospel: Mark 12.38-44
Jesus warns us about thinking ourselves better than others, as the scribes were known to do. It is so easy to consider oneself better, smarter or superior to others for all the wrong reasons. God wants us to thank him for all that he does for us, to tell others about him. Jesus is not impressed with flashy shows of the rich almsgivers. He looks to the heart, to our hearts. Jesus wants us to be open to all he wants to give us, to have confidence in him, and to be generous in following and serving him. We do this by treating everyone we spend time with with respect. It doesn’t matter how much money you have or how talented you are. The main point is that you share what you have when others are in need.