First Reading: Acts 2:14, 22b-28
Psalm #16 R: Lord, you will show me the path of life
Second Reading: 1Peter 1:17-21
Gospel Acclamation Verse: Lord Jesus, open the Scriptures to us;
make our hearts burn with love when you speak. Alleluia
Gospel: Luke 24:13-35
Theme: The road to Emmaus - Drawing near to God
Commentary by Jane Prini
Have you ever searched high and low for something, only to discover that it has been there in front of you all the time? Somehow we can manage to miss something really obvious; we simply cannot see it clearly at that moment! In today’s Gospel we hear how two disciples of Jesus didn’t recognize him until he shared a very special moment with them.
Take a few minutes to look at the picture on the left. What do you see?
Some people see a vase and others see two faces! Two people looking at the same thing can see something completely different. Sometimes we can look at something and find ourselves unable to make out what it is supposed to be at all! Today’s Gospel reading is an epic example of this!
Jesus approaches Cleopas and his companion on their return trip to Emmaus, but they do not recognize him. Maybe they were just too sad, frightened or confused, with heavy hearts after Jesus died. Their doubt about the women seeing Jesus alive made them “blind’ to the truth so they could not ‘see’ Jesus right beside them. Sometimes we have a desire to draw close to Jesus. Did you know that Jesus always wants to draw near to us? He even pursues us. Sometimes it seems harder to notice him but he is always near.
Cleopas and his campaign are discussing all that had happened in Jerusalem on their 11K (about 7 miles) walk back to Emmaus. For most people that would take about three hours. Jesus joins them and he goes through what we know as the Old Testament stories that were about him. They feel in their hearts a burning glow that says over and over ‘yes I believe’. Upon reaching Emmaus, they ask him to stay with them and Jesus agrees. When was the last time you invited Jesus to ‘stay’ with you?
It is not until Jesus blesses and breaks bread with them that they recognize him. In this way, Jesus reveals himself as the risen Christ. Their sadness turns to joy, their despair becomes hope, and their faith returns. They probably didn’t what to finish their meal before hurrying back to Jerusalem to share their wonderful news with the other disciples!
God wants to draw near to us; to be with us. We are Easter People. We believe Jesus when he tells us he will always be with us until the end of time.
Prayer for Families: Loving Father, open our eyes to your love in the world and the people around us. Make our hearts burn with faith and hope in you. Help us to see the many blessings you grace us with. We ask through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. AMEN
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